we all seek freedom.
“For once you have tasted Flight, you will forever walk the world with your eyes turned skyward.”
Leonardo Da Vinci
Tribe Freedom was Built to Empower The Bold, The Brave & The Ambitious, Founders, Digital Entrepreneurs & Solopreneurs who build their own Ventures, and Move against the grain of society & what they have been taught.
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in square holes. The ones who see things differently… They change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
Steve Jobs
Hey! I’M christine.
“Be The Change You Wish To See In The World.” Gandhi
I’ve always dreamed of doing my own thing, Entrepreneurship & Impact and being able to Change The World. Rebel for a Cause, Build a Legacy & Impact that had a Ripple Effect.
But I never knew where to start.
I completed my Law Degree in Australia, and travelled across the Asia Pacific searching for an answer to my series of questions. Then I started working as a Corporate Lawyer, networking with Investment Bankers, in big Corporate deals.. where I also envisioned fighting for justice, yelling “Objection! Your Honour,” in Court, at the top of my lungs.
I wanted to exit the Corporate Matrix, I wanted to leave the 9-5. I was tired of working in a cubicle, no space nor air to breathe. I wanted to make money with my laptop, sitting under coconut trees in the middle of Bali, learning surfing (crashing) after work everyday…
I knew there was more to Life.
I then came across the Japanese concept of IKIGAI.
The Reason for Being. Find something you love, the world needs and what you can get paid for. Viola. The Magic Intersection.
I combined my love for curiosity, critical thinking & business acumen, to build a personal brand & an information synthesis business. I was in absolute amazement at how we could earn with our mind, not with our time in the digital age.
And leverage the power of the digital marketplace, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Naval Ravikant always said, Wealth buys you Freedom.
Freedom, I thought. That’s what I need.
We work to being Better Humans, Future Humans, embracing the Kaizen concept of 1% better everyday. To move towards a Conscious Capitalism, a Tribe of Founders, Solopreneurs, Digital Entrepreneurs who are Freedom Seekers. We are not limited by geographical boundaries or barriers and want to travel across the world to create impact on humanity and the world with our Freedom-Based Businesses.
Join me, as we Impact The World & Build Our Dreams, as We Shapeshift & Discover what it truly means to be Free.
our Approach
Dream it
From Inception to Finding your Niche to Identifying your own Unique DNA Blueprint, What your Heart Beats For, Your Calling, We will Distill this down into your Core Offering. The Value in Which you can Provide to the World.
build it
It’s Time to Build. Systems, Automations, Funnels are The Name of The Game Here. Get Confident with Building Out your Entire Freedom-Based Online Business System & Process.
launch it
Game On. Learn how to Rocket Launch your Course & Offer to the World. Go Global, Immerse in The Internet Marketplace. Shout it to the Top of The World To Let everyone Know. Drive Traffic, to your Superstar Offers.
scale it
Now We Climb The Mountain. To Go Far, We Need to Go High. Discover How to Amplify your Message & Soar to Greater Heights, Earning a Deeper & Bigger Passive Income Stream from your Freedom-Based Online Business.